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Things We Cant Live Without

Things We Cant Live Without
``It has become appallingly obvious our technology has exceeded humanity`` (Albert Einstein)

Almost one and a half century ago, one of the great scientist of all time said these above mentioned lines, and today the time is proving him right after centuries. People always complain about the life being so busy, engaged, competitive, ruthless and combative. But do we ever think what are those things, which have created such situation and circumstances for us in today`s world that even we are not getting time to engage with ourselves? It can`t get more tragic with the humanity itself.
It is believed that technology makes human life easier. Because technology is involved in our daily life. But it is not that much simple the way our lives are getting tangled. We believed that oxygen was the most thing for human survival, but the time has changed. Now, we have other things, which has got such importance too that we can`t live without and at least we can`t engage with the world without them. We have analyzed the 
``Technology should improve your life, not become your life`` (Billy Cox)
It is debatable either technology has improved or has become our life. But we can surely perceive that Internet has become our life today. Today`s generation is relying in the internet to do everything in the life. Where you go now, you see people using internet, doing businesses online, sharing information, communicating with their loved ones and playing games on their electronic gadgets and what they don`t do except eating sleeping and taking bath through internet. There is no doubt that internet has helped us in few parts of our lives.
It has changed the whole dimensions of field businesses in the world. Irrespective of the size, field and industry, everyone following two things to be the most significant things we can`t live without are doing business through internet. But the other side of this affair can`t be ignored. Increasing security risks in the society is the greatest threat internet has produced. Not having total control over flow of information and communication networks provides space for danger to enter anywhere anytime. Numerous deaths from `POKEMON GO` and `BLUE WHALE GAME` are living example of the threats through internet. Use of internet in terrorism is also unjustifiable. However, the use of internet has become the most debatable area in today`s world.
Smart Phone
``Your smart phone has already replaced your camera, your calendar and your alarm clock, don`t let it replace your family``
If the above mentioned quote becomes true someday, we can`t say for sure what will happen next. That will be the greatest catastrophe of human history. Whoever we are today, is just by the love and care of our family and friends. But the way smart phone taking place in our lives is really suspicious.  Whether it is hospital, school, office, road or home, our mobile phones always accompanied with us. They are everywhere with almost everyone. Which task they are not performing for us? From making us able to connect with our loved ones from all over the world to entertain us and keep us informed about everything we want. But the threats raised by the usage of smart phone can`t be ignored.
There is no doubt that smart phones are useful devices, all we need to do is to use them smartly and wisely. We should remember it is mainly a device, not our world. And we are far behind from the time when we will upload love, download time, Google our life answers. So, we should use it as a device, not make him the thing without which we can`t live.
Chocolate & Sweets
``9 out of 10 people like chocolates, the 10th one lies``

Every person in this universe loves to eat chocolate. It energizes our mood, makes you feel happy and we crave more for a chocolate. No matter however your mood is, you can always have a chocolate whether you`re in a good mood or bad. Whether you`re happy or sad. Or whenever you`re getting bored or want to eat something which makes up your day and mind. Chocolate is liked by everyone and you`re like damn!
Chocolate is widely used as a gift material by everyone. It can be used for expressing love, a sign of appreciation or even at a farewell. Chocolate can be varied with a lot of combinations like cashew and chocolate, nuts and chocolate, dry fruits and chocolate, caramel and chocolate, fudge cake with chocolate, wafers with chocolate any many other delicious options. It is a natural way of making up your day which comes deliberately in your mind. There are bundle of benefits if you`re a daily consumer of chocolate. These benefits include: it prevents your heart diseases, it is an antidepressant, it can work as an anti-diabetic and anti-obesity, it faster your recovery after a physical work, it generalizes your metabolism, prevents you from skin diseases and many more benefits of consuming chocolate are there.

Music and Media
``Music acts just like a slow poison and a food to your soul``
It is quite understood that the new generation cannot live without media or social media. It has become the requirement of each society nowadays. It was correctly said that the world will turn into a global village by leaps and bound. It has successfully converted into a global village where distance does not matter anymore. The distance was a hurdle decade back. We rely too much on media nowadays. The generation is advanced, even a toddler or infant has a knowledge of operating the cell phones and tablets.
Similarly, music gives your soul a satisfaction. It gives you a relief and make you feel relax and calm. Music is beneficial for the health and mind in some perspectives i.e. it reduces your stress and anxiety, it improves your sleep quality, lowers your blood pressure, relieves your pain, boosts up your memory and makes you immune system work appropriately.
Friends & Family
``The best time is always found when family and friends gather around``
 A person merely belongs to his/her family and beholds a very special yet loving bond with them. In today`s world your family could be the best support system you have also the one who always shows up caring. It consists of relatively same relations such as parents who loves you the most and loved you since the day you were not in this world but they felt you. Your siblings who fights with you but still can`t listen a word against you. It is understood that you cannot live without your family and they`re the best thing God has gifted you.  
It`s good to be happy yourself but how come a person be happy without his family or friends? If you`re far away from your family and friends you may adopt a hobby, your interested job, some social activities or accomplishing your goals but before that you need to understand the importance and vitality of having friends and family. It`s good to indulge yourself with healthy activities that enriches your soul and gives you the utmost satisfaction, it`s good to love yourself and enjoy your own company and time with oneself, but you cannot imagine your life without the care and love of your family and friends. Family is the most beautiful blessing by God and friends are your life, you can share anything with them and they understand you the most.
``Certainly there are things in life that money can`t buy, but it is very funny- did you tried to buy them without money? ``
Life cannot be spent without having enough money. Everything nowadays can be acquired through money. It is understood that the wealthier you are, more the people respects you. It should not be this way. There are some other attributes and necessities which should be there for your survival. Unfortunately, money has replaced all. We cannot say that money is the synonym of leading a happy life but life is harshly rough and tough without money. Life becomes so miserable that you have to starve and lead a life where you have nothing but depressions. Ever seen the life of a wanderer or an orphan? Ever looked at the life and difficulties of an unemployed person?
You cannot live an awesome life without having money. A person not only need to fulfill the needs but desires too. Even for fulfilling your needs you need to have ample amount of money then what about the desires? You need to have loads of bank balance where you don`t have to worry about anything. Not having enough money can pull you under a heavy blanket of depression. You have to filter life with the eyes of desolation. You`ll have nothing working appropriately even the closest relations of your life that is family, marriage, friends, relatives etc. you`ll be left alone and that loneliness is not less than a slow poison. Start working better today. Engage yourself in activities which leads you to be wealthy. Go for a wealthy option and do it on your own. A person cannot survive without having money.
``Without a pet, my wallet would be full, my house would be clean, but my heart would be empty``
Own a pet and can`t live without him/her? They are the most amazing part of our lives. If you own a Pet, you can surely understand the pain of losing one. Pet adds colors to your life. You care about them and they get more and more faithful. Without having pets your life would be joyless. You become so addicted to your pets that you can`t imagine spending your life without them. You eat together, you play together, you cuddle together and you sleep together. There could not be a single day you would like to spend without having a pet.
Pet contributes to a huge part of your life. You can never get over them. You can`t see them sad and ill. You share the strongest and unsaid bond of your life with them. Once you have had a wonderful pet, your life without them would be diminished. A pet can be the best friend of yours who understand you the most and tries to make you happy. A pet can`t see you unhappy and worried. It is correctly said that a house is a home when having a pet. No matter how tired you are, you always manage to spend some quality time with your pet. It gives your soul and life a satisfactory feeling which is essential for your life being. No matter how less possessions you have, having a pet makes you rich and complete. It is correctly said that however your day went even if at the top of its crappies, there`s a blessing and happiness waiting for you at home.  
Ice Creams
``Without ice cream, life would be a difficult chaos``
Life is short you need to ice it first and enjoy the flavors of your choice. It is understood that life is meaningless without having an ice cream. Imagine how a little bundle of joy can change your mood at 180 degrees? It`s certainly ice cream which completes your day and removes away all sort of tiring thoughts. You get yourself into the enjoyable and delicious flavors and taste of ice cream.
Your head might say that you should first go to the gym and your heart might say to go and have an ice cream. Go with your heart and enjoy the beautiful yet amazing feeling. Life begins after having an ice cream. Imagine having a bucket full of your favorite flavored ice cream. How amazingly amazing it feels? Don`t you feel like being in heaven? Eat well and laugh often much. You should enjoy the life at its most before it melts because it`s more like an ice cream. You enjoy it today and don`t worry about tomorrow. Make the most out of your day and have an ice cream now with sprinkling chocolate or your favorite fruit at the top.

Written by: Alizaay Waseem